( May 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. This section needs additional citations for verification. IFMCA-associated reviews website, MundoBSO, rated it seven out of ten stars. However it did criticise its release in mp3 compression and the lack of lossless availability. each track will tug at your heart in its own unique and powerful manner". The review at Trailer Music News was very positive, calling it a "musical triumph" and that it "meets the lofty expectations set forth by the community easily, often managing to surpass them. James Monger of AllMusic reviewed the album favourably, rating it three and a half out of five stars. Tracks 1, 16, and 17 are reworked versions from their original releases. Initially a digital release, it was eventually released physically a year later via CD Baby, after the group reached 20,000 likes on their Facebook page. Upon release, it went to number 1 on the iTunes Classical charts and remained in the top 10 for over a year. Two Steps From Hell announced the album in late 2009 Bergersen later confirmed, "we are doing this purely to please our fans". Having gained a cult following online following their 2006 creation, fans of the group began "relentlessly begging" for their private industry music to be made available commercially. Two tracks, however, are brand new compositions ("Am I Not Human?" and "To Glory"). The tracks are a collection of fan favourites from prior demonstration albums previously only available to the industry, "represent the very best of Thomas and Nick’s first few years at Two Steps From Hell".

It consists of 22 tracks written by composers Thomas J. Invincible is the first public album by the group Two Steps From Hell, released in May 2010. Thomas Bergersen, Nick Phoenix, Petr Pololáník